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Sustaining Innovation for Impact in Louisville

The City of Louisville, a finalist in the inaugural round of the City Accelerator, is focuses on increasing its capacity to innovate.

This summary is a part of Louisville’s application to the City Accelerator, through which cities would advance urban innovations that will have a significant impact in the lives of their residents, especially low-income residents. Watch the city’s pitch video, read the summary, and rate their submission on its potential to: impact low-income people; expand innovation by the city; and, scale to other cities.
What is Louisville proposing?
In Louisville, KY., the structure of innovation is changing. As the Bloomberg Philanthropies-funded Innovation Delivery Team (IDT) phases out, Louisville’s Office of Performance Improvement (OPI) is slated to grow. Louisville wants to institutionalize the innovation capacity gained through IDT. The City Accelerator could play a crucial role to help Louisville systematize processes that will sustain  its long-term ability to deliver better and increasingly innovative government services by: 1) building new capabilities in OPI; and 2) taking advantage of opportunities to coordinate with the continuing citizen-driven innovation projects in Louisville’s Office of Civic Innovation. 
How will it accomplish this?
As part of the first cohort in the City Accelerator, Louisville would: 
  • build on the work of the Bloomberg Innovation Delivery Team to embed innovation practices in the heart of city government, with heavy engagement from the mayor;
  • specifically apply innovative practices to three critical issues: 1) vacant and abandoned properties; 2) fire and EMT services; 3) residents dually diagnosed with mental illness and substance abuse; and 
  • establish capacity-building relationships with community partners around these three critical issues.