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Who Is On Food Stamps, By State

Data and map show how many people are on food stamps for each state

The most recent data indicates about 15.7 million American households are on food stamps, with enrollment varying greatly from state to state.

The number of participants for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps, climbed steadily beginning with the arrival of the Great Recession. Enrollment has since stabilized, declining slightly in 2013.

As a share of all households, Oregon (19.8 percent), Mississippi (19.4 percent) and Maine (18 percent) had the highest SNAP participation rates in 2013, according to Census estimates. Wyoming (5.9 percent) recorded the lowest SNAP participation rate of any state.

SNAP participation rates differ greatly by state, partially due to to differences in eligibility requirements and how states administer SNAP. Nationwide, the Census Bureau estimates that 13.5 percent of all households received SNAP benefits at some point in 2013.

State SNAP Participation Rates

Select a state below to view trends in SNAP participation rates for each state.


The following chart shows a different set of SNAP participation data compiled by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Monthly totals are shown for individuals, rather than the household participation rates listed above.

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Mike Maciag is Data Editor for GOVERNING.
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