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Boston 2024 Olympics Group Hires Former Gov. Patrick

Gov. Charlie Baker learned about former Gov. Deval Patrick’s hiring by the Boston 2024 Olympics boosters from news reports, and is renewing his demand for transparency from the nonprofit group, which has not revealed how much Patrick will be paid.

Gov. Charlie Baker learned about former Gov. Deval Patrick’s hiring by the Boston 2024 Olympics boosters from news reports, and is renewing his demand for transparency from the nonprofit group, which has not revealed how much Patrick will be paid.


“The administration was not aware of Governor Patrick joining Boston 2024 and learned of it through media reports,” Baker spokesman Tim Buckley told the Herald yesterday. “The administration is more concerned with the process and the end product, a bid that protects taxpayers, and is less concerned with the personalities involved with Boston 2024. An open and transparent process is extremely important to Gov. Baker so that the people can be fully informed and involved in this significant proceeding.”


Reports surfaced late Friday that Boston 2024 had hired Patrick as a paid consultant and “global ambassador.”


Boston 2024 also didn’t loop in Mayor Martin J. Walsh, a key Olympics booster. Spokeswoman Laura Oggeri said yesterday Walsh “knew Boston 2024 was interested in working with Gov. Patrick but he was not aware of an official role.”


Boston 2024 CEO Richard Davey — Patrick’s former transportation secretary — admitted there is room for improvement in the transparency department.


Caroline Cournoyer is GOVERNING's senior web editor.
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