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Feeding the Homeless is for the Birds

Hey, what's the difference between a pigeon and a homeless person?  According to a couple laws passed last week, nothing. The city of Redmond, ...

homelesspigeons-1.jpgHey, what's the difference between a pigeon and a homeless person?  According to a couple laws passed last week, nothing.

The city of Redmond, Washington, last week passed an ordinance prohibiting people from feeding pigeons. Seems city officials found them to be annoying and dirty, and something they wish would just go away.

The next day, the Las Vegas City Council approved a measure banning the feeding of homeless people in city parks. Seems city officials found them to be annoying and dirty, and....well, you get the drift.

Presumably, though, it's still okay to feed birds in Las Vegas. Just not, you know, impoverished, hungry human beings.

Photo via Flickr, from Ykravitz.

Zach Patton -- Executive Editor. Zach joined GOVERNING as a staff writer in 2004. He received the 2011 Jesse H. Neal Award for Outstanding Journalism