April 2014 Last Look: Three Strikes, You’re Out
Gray Davis was recalled as governor of California -- and recalled again by a minor league baseball team.

Sacramento River Cats
The Washington Nationals have George, Abe, Tom, Teddy and Bill. The Rivers Cats, a Triple-A baseball team in Sacramento, have Ronnie, Arnie and Gray. The former are the Racing Presidents; every home game during the fourth inning, the quintet of former U.S. presidents race from the outfield to home plate. Similarly, the River Cats in Sacramento have the Heads of State race, where three giant mascots of past governors -- Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Gray Davis -- race around the stadium. Gray, the mascot named for California’s 37th executive leader, had never won a race -- at least until recently. But like the real Gov. Davis, Gray’s single win was “recalled,” says River Cats’ spokesman Mark Ling. The governors race at every weekend home game.