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Investing in Kindergartners: Oregon Will Give Them $25 Each to Start College Savings Account

The Oregon College Savings Plan, a state-sponsored plan designed to help people save for education, just launched its "Kinder Grad" incentive program.

By Lauren Favre

With the price of college tuition increasing each year, it's never too early to start saving. As part of a new incentive program, Oregon wants to give kindergartners $25 to start their college savings accounts.

The Oregon College Savings Plan, a state-sponsored plan designed to help people save for education, just launched its "Kinder Grad" incentive program.

Starting today, when an Oregon College Savings Plan account is opened for a Oregon kindergartener who doesn't already have an account, $25 will automatically be deposited within three months.

"It's never too early to plan for your child's future, and we've found that even a small $25 incentive may be just the nudge families need to start saving for higher education," Michael Parker, executive director for the Oregon Savings Network, which administers the Program, said in a recent press release.