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Metro Area Population, Migration Data

View migration data and components of population change for U.S. metro areas.

The total population for U.S. metro areas climbed nearly 7.5 million between 2010 and 2013. About 3 million people migrated from abroad or moved from non-metro areas. Natural change, or births minus deaths, accounted for the remainder of the population increase.

Select a metro area below to display changes in population between 2010 and 2013. Population and migration data for all counties within a given metro area are shown.

Notes on the data:
- Migration data shown are net totals.
- International migration considers immigrants moving to the U.S., natives returning to the country and movement of members of the military.
- Natural change (not shown) is included in the totals.
- Rates listed are per 1,000 residents.

Mike Maciag is Data Editor for GOVERNING.
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