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Rick Perry on Bush, Obama and the Boy Scouts

The New York Times Sunday magazine had an interview with Perry this week. (Wonder if Perry did the interview before the Times' hit piece on ...

rick-perry.jpgThe New York Times Sunday magazine had an interview with Perry this week. (Wonder if Perry did the interview before the Times' hit piece on the presidential candidate he endorsed?)

Here's what we learned from Perry's interview.

Obama = Karl Marx:

What do you think of Barack Obama? I think he is a very attractive, very intriguing and, to many, a very stimulating candidate. I think he is one step away from being a socialist.

George W. Bush luuuuvs to spend money!!

As a Republican who is known to be more conservative than your predecessor as Texas governor, George W. Bush, what do you make of the deficit he has run up in Washington? George was never a fiscal conservative. The Texas Legislature spent a lot, and he signed the bill.

Gay Boy Scout leaders want to turn your son gay! Also, "homosexual" is a confusing word.

Let's talk about your new book, "On My Honor," which draws on your experience as an Eagle Scout and champions the values of the Boy Scouts of America, to whom you are donating your royalties. Yes, to their legal-defense fund.

Which has been fighting the A.C.L.U., to keep gays out of the scouts. Why do you see that as a worthy cause? I am pretty clear about this one. Scouting ought to be about building character, not about sex. Period. Precious few parents enroll their boys in the Scouts to get a crash course in sexual orientation.

Why do you think a homosexual would be more likely to bring the subject of sex into a conversation than a heterosexual? Well, the ban in scouting applies to scout leaders. When you have a clearly open homosexual scout leader, the scouts are going to talk about it. And they're not there to learn about that. They're there to learn about what it means to be loyal and trustworthy and thrifty.

But don't you think that homosexuals might also be interested in being loyal and thrifty? The argument that gets made is that homosexuality is about sex. Do you agree?

No. Well, then why don't they call it something else?

Zach Patton -- Executive Editor. Zach joined GOVERNING as a staff writer in 2004. He received the 2011 Jesse H. Neal Award for Outstanding Journalism