robocall-2.jpg, a liberal-leaning blog, is chockablock with stories about robocalls sponsored by the
National Republican Campaign Committee. People in some swing districts are being called multiple times with messages that are designed to leave them with bad feelings about the Democratic candidate (and, in some cases, leaving them with the impression that the Democrat's campaign is the one calling them annoyingly often).
The one funny
story is about Indiana. Automated calls are illegal in that state, so the NRCC hired some actual people to do the dialing. Rep. Mark Souder has
complained about the calls, which claim his opponent would be too welcoming to illegal aliens.
What's Souder's problem with that? The callers, it turns out, have thick Indian or Mexican accents. In other words, the NRCC's contractor outsourced the job of complaining about immigrants to a bunch of durned foreigners.
Alan Greenblatt is the editor of Governing. He can be found on Twitter at @AlanGreenblatt.