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Alan Ehrenhalt

Alan Ehrenhalt

Contributing Editor

Alan Ehrenhalt served for 19 years as executive editor of Governing Magazine, and is currently one of its contributing editors. He has been a frequent contributor to The New York Times Book Review and op-ed page, the Washington Post Book World, New Republic and The Wall Street Journal. He is the author of four books: The United States of Ambition, The Lost City, Democracy in the Mirror, and The Great Inversion. He was also the creator and editor of the first four editions of Politics in America, a biennial reference book profiling all 535 members of Congress. Alan Ehrenhalt is a 1968 graduate of Brandeis University and holds an MS in journalism from Columbia. He was a Nieman Fellow at Harvard from 1977-1978; a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1987-1988; a Regents’ Lecturer at UCLA in 2006; an adjunct faculty member at the Jepson School of Leadership Studies, at the University of Richmond, from 2004 through 2008; and an adjunct faculty member at the University of Maryland Graduate School of Public Policy in 2009. In 2000 he received the American Political Science Association’s McWilliams award for distinguished contributions to the field of political science by a journalist. He is married, has two daughters, and lives in Arlington, Virginia.

He can be reached at

A historian makes that argument in a new book. But maybe we just don’t want — or need — to move as much as we used to.
Allegations that presidents, governors and mayors are acting like dictators have been part of American government ever since the nation was founded.
They just might be. They’re doing a lot of things that don’t have much to do with books but do have a lot to do with community. And you don’t hear “Shhh” much anymore.
It could bring states a lot of revenue. But voters don’t like it, even though few of them would have to pay.
Between brazen minor offenses like organized shoplifting and a few heavily publicized acts of random violence, it’s little wonder that people are on edge.
There's a reason states with big-city capitals produce different policies than those headquartered in out of the way places.
Charging motorists to drive in a large swath of Manhattan has been decades in the making, and the idea has had some success elsewhere in the world.
Rising minorities in big cities are increasingly concerned about order and security. Political parties need to pay attention.
Thanks to a celebrated book, we know all about Robert Moses’ dictatorial misdeeds in New York City. But the truth is that many of his worst visions were being realized in cities across the country.
Like his father, the city’s longest-serving mayor combined preternatural instincts with sheer audacity. Sometimes Richard M. Daley overreached, but he left his city better than he found it.