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Anne Jordan

Former Editor

Anne Jordan was a contributing editor to GOVERNING.

O.K., it's time to admit publicly what people in the office have known for a while: I read Waste News. What's more, occasionally there's ...
Having been raised in neighboring Minnesota, when I read that rural Hanson County, South Dakota, was the fourth-fastest-growing county in the nation, I had to ...
Smokestack chasing is so 20th century. Or is it? The presence of state economic development officials--and even a few governors--at the Paris Air Show indicates ...
Saw an interesting front-page New York Times article this morning about states requiring public universities to make sure instructors are proficient in English. As a ...
Earlier this month, Stephen Howard, a senior vice president at Lehman Bros., told Congress it should lift the cap on tax-exempt private activity bonds as ...
Last week, my family trekked from Washington, D.C., to Yellowstone National Park in hopes of seeing some bears (and wolves), which we did--mostly through ...
Design matters. That's the message of two articles I read this past week: one on public works in New York City, the other on high-rise ...
Officials at the Golden Gate Bridge can add a new section to their online gallery: photos of the increasingly large and exotic animals crossing the ...
Today out the windows of the 13th Floor, I see fast-moving, billowy clouds and a fluttering American flag. They are innocuous remnants of Hurricane Katrina--and ...
Houston and zoning aren't often used in the same sentence. But then, Hurricane Katrina changed a lot of things. Yesterday, in Americ a's largest city ...