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Jorrit de Jong


Jorrit de Jong, a lecturer in public policy and management at the Harvard Kennedy School, is faculty director of the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative, a joint program of the Kennedy School and the Harvard Business School. He is also academic director of the Innovations in Government Program at the Kennedy School's Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation.

Before coming to Harvard, de Jong co-founded the Kafka Brigade, a social enterprise in Europe that helps governments diagnose and remedy bureaucratic dysfunction. Previously, he was director of the Center for Government Studies at Leiden University and founding co-director of a consulting firm for the public sector in Amsterdam. He holds a Ph.D. in public policy and management from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and master's degrees in philosopy and public administration from Leiden University.

Socrates had it right: Dealing with the problems public leaders face requires knowing how and what to ask.