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Peter Hutchinson


Peter Hutchinson leads management consulting strategy for Accenture's U.S. state and local government practice. He previously served as commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Finance, as Minneapolis' superintendent of schools, as the city's deputy mayor, as corporate vice president of the Dayton Hudson Corporation (now Target) and as president of the Bush Foundation, one of Minnesota’s largest independent foundations.

Hutchinson co-authored the 2006 book "The Price of Government: Getting the Results We Need in an Age of Permanent Fiscal Crisis."

To compete with the private sector for talent, public-sector organizations need to transform the ways they manage and develop their workforces.
Health care is literally eating our families out of house and home -- and our governments out of education, transportation and human services. Four key problems, writes Peter Hutchinson, make transformation necessary.
Foundations and corporations can be terrific partners for governments, but there are limits. For one thing, writes Feather O'Connor Houstoun, they can't fill budget gaps.
Organizational change is tough for those on the receiving end. But grieving is essential to change.
We are in a recession, and according to Peter Hutchinson, public managers have three choices: ignorance, illusion or innovation.