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Alan Greenblatt


Alan Greenblatt — Editor. He is the coauthor of a standard textbook on state and local governments. He previously worked as a reporter for NPR and CQ and has written about politics and culture for many other outlets, print and online. He can be found on Twitter at @AlanGreenblatt.

In his address to Congress, the president said tariffs and tax cuts would help manufacturing, farming and other sectors.
As Texas land commissioner, Dawn Buckingham controls 13 million acres. She intends to give the Trump administration as much of it as they need to secure the border.
The Supreme Court has made public corruption cases more difficult. The Justice Department's actions in New York suggests they may turn into political weapons.
Wichita, Kan., has been reeling since a flight carrying residents crashed outside Washington last month. Mayor Lily Wu talks about leading her city during this difficult time.
GOP legislators and governors around the country are borrowing Trump's ideas and language on a host of issues. Separately, red states are looking to put up barriers against ballot initiatives.
Most red states are looking to reduce property tax burdens, which have increased along with home values. Finding ways of replacing lost revenues for locals remains a challenge.
For years, states strictly limited the amount of time people could be institutionalized. With homelessness rising, some policymakers want to do more.
Residents of red counties in blue states wish they had a new political home. Also, in Florida, the Legislature is starting to stand up to Ron DeSantis.
The administration rescinded its order for a spending review due to blowback. Republicans had not joined the chorus of critics, even though red states are heavily dependent on federal grants.
New York's mayor, embroiled in legal trouble, has no chance at winning a second term. Meanwhile, the two parties argue about whether the legislative year can even begin in Minnesota.