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Carl Smith

Senior Staff Writer

Carl Smith is a senior staff writer for Governing and covers a broad range of issues affecting states and localities. For the past 30 years, Carl has written about education and the environment for peer-reviewed papers, magazines and online publications, with a special focus on conservation and sustainability. He has guest-edited special issues of the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health focused on the Precautionary Principle and the human rights dimensions of environmental degradation. Carl attended the University of Texas and the University of Georgia. He can be reached at or on Twitter at @governingwriter.

Over the last decade, Wisconsin's largest county has made dramatic progress in reducing its homeless population.
A memo from the Office of Management and Budget freezing federal grants to states was canceled. But funds are still being kept back, and budget officers are looking for answers.
State and local public health departments rely on federal funding to operate. With those dollars at risk amid the Trump administration’s federal funding freezes, they’re bracing for the future.
The Eaton Fire consumed a home and community I had loved for decades. I went from writing about homelessness to living it.
States face a tricky year, with their own revenues stalling and federal aid running low.
There's turnover in Washington with each new administration. Departing federal workers can bring valuable skills and experience to state and local governments.
Some communities are investing in new infrastructure and designs not only to protect residents but improve quality of life.
State and local governments will be forced to return pandemic relief funds if they aren’t properly obligated by the end of December.
Bird flu is affecting more and more dairy cattle. There’s no sign yet of human-to-human spread, but new dimensions of the outbreak continue to emerge.
The Trump administration is likely to reverse some climate policies but local officials are determined to continue addressing impacts on their communities.