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Anne Kim


Anne Kim is the vice president of domestic policy at the Progressive Policy Institute and a contributing editor at Washington Monthly. She writes about politics, poverty, social policy and economic opportunity. In addition to Governing, her work has appeared in The Washington Post,, The Wall Street Journal, Democracy and numerous other publications. A lawyer and a journalist, she's worked as a reporter and radio producer, a corporate attorney and as a senior staffer on Capitol Hill for a Tennessee congressman. She is currently writing a book on youth policy.

Is there a revenue jackpot for states that legalize marijuana?
Cities must resist this vocal minority using pseudoscience. Their budgets are at stake.
As the idea of "free college" gains popularity, Virginia and Iowa are instead focused on career and technical education.
“Income share agreements” could lower loan payments and the financial risks of paying for college.
Doing good pays dividends for both corporations and governments. Just ask Philadelphia.
The new federal program could lure fresh investment to distressed areas. But the clock is ticking.
They’re a tempting alternative to raising taxes, but their long-term costs far outweigh the revenue they bring in.
It's not easy for manufacturing to attract the younger, skilled workers that it needs. We need to focus on both the educational pipeline and public perceptions.
If our 1968-vintage emergency-number system were enabled for the newer ways we communicate, it could work a lot better — and cost a lot less.