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Marc Berg


Dr. Marc Berg is KPMG's head of strategy and transformation for health care. An internationally acknowledged expert in the principles and practice of payment reform and measuring the value of health-care delivery, he has played a leading role in the introduction of public performance measures on the quality and safety of care and the introduction of value-based payments. He pioneered the introduction of measuring value of care for defined populations and the introduction of bundled payments.

A former professor of health management and policy at Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands, Berg has been widely published on the subjects of health-care information management, quality management, care pathway development, standardization in clinical work and payment reform.

The views expressed in his commentaries do not necessarily represent those of KPMG.

For Medicaid and other programs, state policymakers can learn a lot from new payment models that are evolving.
States need to change the way they pay providers. Rewarding prevention and improved health outcomes is better for everybody.