From 2013 to 2018, Richard Pennington was general counsel to NASPO ValuePoint, the nonprofit subsidiary of the National Association of State Procurement Officials that supports the states in their national cooperative procurements. Previously, he served of counsel to the Denver office of McKenna, Long & Aldridge LLP, where he advised clients on federal, state and local government procurement. Richard is a former director of the Colorado Division of Finance and Procurement, State Purchasing Director, and procurement/fiscal law attorney for the Colorado Attorney General.
He is a retired Air Force Colonel and judge advocate who started his career as a B-52 pilot and later became a judge advocate specializing in federal procurement. Richard received his Air Force commission and undergraduate B.S. degree in engineering mechanics from the Air Force Academy, a J.D. degree from the University of Denver, and a Master of Laws degree in government procurement law from The George Washington University. He is co-author of the 3rd edition of Legal Aspects of Public Procurement, due for publication in 2019. Richard is the author of Seeing Excellence: Learning from Great Procurement Teams, a book about 10 essential team disciplines and leadership. Richard has written over 35 articles about public procurement for national publications and conferences.