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Robert C. Enlow


Robert C. Enlow is the president and CEO of EdChoice, a nonprofit research organization. He is a former president and CEO of EdChoice's predecessor organization, the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice.

Enlow has served as private-sector chairman of the American Legislative Exchange Council's Education Task Force; is a board member of School Choice Ohio, Hoosiers for Quality Education and the Economic Club of Indiana; and serves on the Indiana State Advisory Committee for the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

Enlow is the co-editor of Liberty and Learning: Milton Friedman’s Voucher Idea at Fifty, author of Grading Vouchers: Ranking America’s School Choice Programs, and co-author of School Choice: a Reform that Works. He received his bachelor's degree from Seattle Pacific University and attended Oxford University from 1990 to 1992.

As a new survey shows, they're not on the same page with many of their constituents. There needs to be more direct contact.