Terry Ao Minnis is a Senior Fellow and consultant for the Democracy Fund, advancing the work of the foundation's Elections Program by advising staff on emerging needs and opportunities to improve voting for all, but specifically for those who face unique challenges under our current system.
Minnis also serves as the director of the census and voting programs for Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAJC), co-chairs the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights' Census Task Force, and sat on the U.S Department of Commerce's 2010 Census Advisory Committee. She has published several articles and has been counsel on numerous amicus briefs filed before the Supreme Court on voting-rights cases, including Shelby County v. Holder, and was one of the key leaders in campaigns to reauthorize the Voting Rights Act in 2006.
Minnis received her law degree from American University's Washington College of Law and her bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Chicago.