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Reducing Crime by Easing Transition from Incarceration to Community in Baltimore

The city of Baltimore, a finalist in the second round of the City Accelerator, is focused on more effective engagement of people leaving incarceration and their families.


This summary is a part of Baltimore's application to a City Accelerator cohort on engagement. Your feedback on the videos will inform final selection of the cities. Give the videos a star rating and leave comments below!

What is Baltimore proposing?

Baltimore aims to engage people leaving incarceration and their families to help reduce violent crime in the city, as part of a broader engagement effort. The city, led by the Mayor’s Office on Criminal Justice, would use a mix of traditional and technology-based approaches to engage this population, and is looking to the City Accelerator for support and best practices for this initiative.


Public response is one of several criteria being used by the City Accelerator to select cohort cities. The number of ratings or comments by themselves do not determine final status or selection.

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