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Nashville: Dismantling Disparities through Data

The city of Nashville is a finalist for this year’s City Accelerator project, which is focused on helping cities promote economic equity.

The city of Nashville is a finalist for this year's City Accelerator project, which is focused on helping cities promote economic equity.

You can help select this year's City Accelerator participants! Check out the cities' pitches, and then let us know which ones you think should be a part of this important program by giving them a star rating and leaving your comments below!

You have the option to view the pitch full screen here for optimal viewing, but be sure to return to this page to give it a star rating and leave comments below!

What is the city proposing?

Nashville will use its existing baseline of data gleaned through the disparity and MEGAN studies as a starting point, to pursue an aggressive outreach strategy and implement a robust business capacity program to affect change and measure progress. Nashville will track contract spending with MWBEs, job creation, annual revenues, credit worthiness, business owner net worth, and the ability of MWBEs to access working capital and credit.


For a detailed description of the mission and purpose of the City Accelerator’s cohort on promoting economic equity, click here.

Public response is one of several criteria being used by the City Accelerator to select cohort cities. The number of ratings or comments by themselves do not determine final status or selection.

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