Photo: Sandy Stolz
Beyond Firsts
I don't think it hurt that I was a novelty.
Sandy Stolz
Governing: In Breaking Ice and Breaking Glass, you resist saying, “I was the first this, or I was the first that.” Is that because, despite the wealth of evidence to the contrary, it opens the possibility that your career was based more on gender than merit?
Sandy Stosz: Exactly. Look at people for what they bring to the table regardless of their gender, sex, race. Everybody’s different. We get caught up in differences rather than the similarities that unite us and bind us together. We have to get past that. It takes time. That’s one reason I plan to do some speaking and podcasting on the book. I’m trying to create a presence while this book has currency so that I can share the leadership lessons that the Coast Guard taught me over 40 years.
Governing: Despite your resistance to stress your achievements in terms of gender, you are a trailblazer, the first woman to be superintendent of an academy. Haven’t your pathfinder achievements made it easier for others?
Sandy Stosz: As much as I always tried to be just another person, to not be singled out for my gender, I am proud and happy that I was able to achieve what I did. Would I be just as proud if I were male? Maybe. Everybody must navigate uncharted waters at some point. As for women and minorities succeeding, I don’t believe that you’ve got to see one to be one. Imagine Neil Armstrong thinking, “I’m not going to aspire to walk on the moon. No one’s ever done it before.” Go after what you want, and don’t let people tell you that you can’t do it. I start my story where I was a kid so people can see that I was a shy person for whom nobody would have predicted success. It’s a story that needs to be told to those who expect too much too soon for themselves. They quit because they’re not achieving fast enough. They start thinking the grass is greener somewhere else, rather than being patient and pushing through.
Leading by the Academy to Leading the Academy: A Career Comes Full Circle
Governing: The Coast Guard is sometimes left out of the pantheon of great academies. But it seems that it was a perfect fit for you, more open and generous than some of the others.
Sandy Stosz: Oh yes. Women were not excluded. When the National Defense Authorization Act required the Coast Guard and other services to open their academies to women in 1976, the Coast Guard said, “We’re going to accept women and put them everywhere. We’re going to admit women to the academy. We’re going to assign women to anything they want.” I’m thankful now to see the combat exclusion being lifted, but I don’t think you could have done it then. You had to take gradual steps. In my mind, the Coast Guard still leads the way. We have a culture of respect in the Coast Guard. It’s part of our core values: honor, respect, devotion to duty. That was the charge from Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton when he started the Revenue Cutter Service, the precursor of the Coast Guard.
Governing: You talk about diversity requirements in the book. Do programs like Affirmative Action give easy ammunition to those who want to dismiss your accomplishments?
Sandy Stosz: When I was a lieutenant commander, maybe 38 but still a mid-grade officer, the assignment officer called me and offered me an opportunity normally reserved for people much more senior. I asked how he could offer me that privilege when I wasn’t eligible. He said, “Don’t worry about eligibility. We’re going down to junior people so we can scoop women out and show that women go into these programs.” I refused it. I didn’t want to be singled out for my gender. I wanted a level playing field, not an unfair advantage. I knew if I accepted, people would be exactly right to question if women were eligible or competent. In the military, you’ve got to move up at the same pace as everyone else. You can’t skip over the requirements that white males or other people must meet. The Coast Guard had good intentions, but they didn’t understand the unintended consequences. It created a culture where people assumed that if a woman was in a job, she must have gotten there because of her gender. And they weren’t necessarily wrong about that. I didn’t want that applying to me, so I worked extra hard to make sure that I wasn’t in that category. Keep in mind that this happened in the mid-’90s. Things have evened out. There are more women in the ranks. There are more minorities. They don’t advance as fast as people wish because it takes 30 to 40 years to get from cadet to admiral. You can’t take shortcuts the way you can in the private sector.
The Ginger Rogers Type in Our Times
Governing: Do you subscribe to the Ginger Rogers trope that she did everything that Fred Astaire did, only she did it backwards and in high heels? Is that a fair read of a woman’s role in this kind of world?

Image: ReelClassics
When I used empathy and emotional intelligence 40 years ago, the men I was serving under thought it was weird.
Sandy Stolz
Sandy Stosz: There’s a gender connection. Men and women sometimes possess different attributes. That’s okay. Women tend to be more collaborative. They aren’t as afraid to let their guard down. Not always, but sometimes. These are generalizations. I felt like I could be myself when boarding those boats and having conversations, rather than feeling like I had to go toe-to-toe with the people on board. I was confident in my ability to get things done by collaborating. That didn’t come from any analysis. I was just born that way. When I came into the Coast Guard 40 years ago, it was mostly men. They communicated with the head nod, the tough stance, treating everybody with distance. When women came in, they introduced a different aspect of leadership. Now men and women all want to be empathetic leaders. But when I used empathy and emotional intelligence 40 years ago, the men I was serving under thought it was weird. They didn’t know how to handle a young woman who was willing to smile and let her guard down, to be a little vulnerable. That approach worked really well boarding fishing boats out at sea, where people are kind of tense. They’re fishing, they’re busy, and now armed people are coming on board to enforce the law. My approach was, “Look, I respect that you’re out here fishing. I want to make it as easy on you as possible and still get my job done. I need to have these things done, so let’s work together. Let’s get me off the ship as fast as we can so that you can get back to fishing.”
When I came on board as senior officer with that .45 on my hip, fishermen thought it was cool.
Sandy Stolz
Governing: What is the source of your drive?
Sandy Stosz: It’s partly genetic. Both of my parents were determined. My name is German. Stosz means to push or shove. People think of stubbornness when they think of Germans. Even though I was a shy young girl, I still had the genes of a stubborn German. I didn’t like anyone telling me I couldn’t do something, even when I was too shy to push back. My drive also comes from the way I was raised. We were not given anything on a silver platter. We had to work for what we got. We had jobs, we got an allowance. We were rewarded, but it was expected that we do the job. When I went to work in the tobacco fields, the thing that struck me, aside from the sweat labor, was the piecework. You had to meet a quota, or you were fired. But if you did go over that quota, you got piecework. I thought, “Wow, you can get extra money by working extra hard.” That became a part of my value system. My core values as a kid were hard work, perseverance, humility and honesty. I got those from my parents and the expectations they set. They weren’t harsh, but they were never easy on us. It goes back to being a leader. A leader’s born or made. Some people have more natural inherent ability to be leaders. They have the genes. Others have to work a little harder at learning the skills and abilities and developing that presence.

Photo: Sandy Stolz
From the Arctic to Antarctic: The World as Seen from the Bridge of a Ship
Governing: In its television ads, the Navy offers the opportunity to see the world. Did you?
Governing: You must have had moments on deck in the Arctic or Antarctic where you had a moment to relax and think, “Oh my.”
Sandy Stosz: I did. Standing on the bridge of the ship, coasting through a quiet sea at midnight, the Milky Way so bright that the sky looked almost white. Nothing but the little sounds of the sea next to you. It’s midnight watch, so no one else is up. It’s just you and the heavens. Once I was down in Antarctica for three months, and it was daylight the whole time. Nothing but sunshine, white and blue. No sunset, just sun. In the first night of darkness after we headed back up north, I could actually feel the dark. It sounds ridiculous, but I could feel the dark enveloping me. And we saw the Southern Lights. You only hear of the Northern Lights because that’s our hemisphere, but they have them in the Southern Hemisphere too, curtains of yellow light moving across the sky. In the same way that you can feel the darkness, you get a kind of sixth sense when you see them. It’s weird, the total sensory experience of coming back into the darkness after all that light, and then seeing the Southern Lights. It’s like a major life transition. I wish I had put something like that in the book. I was torn because I didn’t want it to be a memoir. I was adamant that this was going to be a leadership book. You can learn leadership lessons from reading someone’s memoir. But I wanted my book to be a little bit more of, “Here are some formulas, some recipes. Here are some things that worked for me. These are my takeaways.”
You can hear more of Clay Jenkinson’s views on American history and the humanities on his long-running nationally syndicated public radio program and podcast, The Thomas Jefferson Hour, and the new Governing podcast, The Future In Context.
Clay’s next book, The Language of Cottonwoods: Essays on the Future of North Dakota, is available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble and your local independent book seller.