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Foreign Born City Population Data

Changes in numbers of foreign born residents for more than 300 cities.

More than 42 million Americans, or roughly 13 percent of the population, are foreign born. In recent years, many smaller cities not as well known as the more prominent immigrant hubs have experienced sizable gains in their foreign-born populations.

Select a city below to view demographic changes over the five-year period ending in 2014. Foreign born statistics are shown for all cities with populations of at least 100,000.

NOTE: Two Census datasets measuring the foreign-born population are shown: 2005-2009 American Community Survey five-year estimates data and 2010-2014 American Community Survey five-year estimates. While this provides only a limited snapshot in time, the Census Bureau’s one-year estimates published for some cities have much higher margins of error. Other published data estimate international migration, but these sources are less comprehensive and fail to account for secondary migration.