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Average Hospital Cost By State

Map shows data for average hospital charges, by state, for treatment of various conditions.

Average hospital charges vary widely across the country, with many treatments costing far more in some regions than others. In addition, health costs also differ greatly among hospitals within the same region.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services published data on average hospital charges for the 100 most common diagnosis and treatments for every hospital in the country treating Medicare patients.

Governing compiled average hospital costs for various treatments, ranking states by cost. The following states were found to have the highest average aggregate rankings, indicating the most expensive medical costs:

1. California
2. New Jersey
3. Nevada
4. Florida
5. Pennsylvania
6. Texas
7. Alaska
8. Colorado
9. Arizona
10. South Carolina

Select a procedure type in the menu below to view average provider charges and total hospital discharges by state for fiscal year 2011. Please note that listed medical charges are not the same as what patients actually pay for a service.

Mike Maciag is Data Editor for GOVERNING.