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“Too often the wounds we see in America today resemble the wounds I’ve seen in war.”

Gerald Harmon, president of the American Medical Association, regarding the fact that gun violence is now the leading cause of death for children in the U.S. The pandemic increased the rate of gun deaths in kids overall but also exacerbated the racial disparities among gun violence: Black children were 100 times more likely to be shot than white children between 2020 and the end of 2021; Hispanic and Asian children were 26 times and four times more likely to be shot than white children, respectively. (Ars Technica — March 9, 2023)

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  • The license plate of Peter Starostecki, who is vegan, which was rejected in Maine’s effort to crack down on lewd and vulgar plates. The state determined that Starostecki’s tag could have been a reference to sex, while the motorist insists that there is no mistaking his intent. He has several tofu-related stickers on the back of his vehicle. Starostecki said the plate was his protest against eating meat and animal products. (Associated Press — March 9, 2023)
  • Jill Schlesinger, CBS news business analyst and author of The Great Money Reset, regarding the great swing in finances for many Americans over the last several years. The pandemic-induced federal aid resulted in the highest personal savings rate on record which was quickly followed by high inflation that has caused a nearly 30 percent increase in debt for millennials since before the pandemic to about $3.8 trillion. (NPR — March 8, 2023)
  • Mississippi state Sen. Joey Fillingane, regarding a bill that would restrict electric car manufacturers from opening new brick-and-mortar dealerships in the state unless they follow the same rules as traditional carmakers. Fillingane has criticized the bill for potentially causing the state to fall behind others in the race to attract EV companies’ investments. The bill was passed by the Legislature and will head to Gov. Tate Reeves’ desk. (Associated Press — March 3, 2023)
  • Justin Tupper, the president of the U.S. Cattlemen’s Association, regarding the federal decision to release new requirements regarding when meat, poultry or eggs can be labeled “Product of USA.” Currently, policy allows voluntary use of such labels on products from animals that have been imported from a foreign country and slaughtered in the U.S., but also includes meat that’s been imported and repackaged or further processed. (Associated Press — March 6, 2023)
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