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“I’ve always liked local government.”

North Carolina state Sen. Mike Woodard, regarding his filing on Wednesday, July 12, to become a candidate for mayor of Durham. At least three candidates have formally joined the mayoral race since filing opened last week. (Associated Press — July 12, 2023)

More Quotes
  • Karyn Lewis, director of the Center for School and Student Progress at NWEA, regarding the findings of a new study that highlights how students across the U.S. are falling behind academically even further last year despite extensive efforts to catch students up to pre-pandemic levels. The report found that students are making gains at rates below pre-pandemic levels, which is further widening achievement gaps. The average student will need the equivalent of 4.1 additional months of schooling to catch up their reading levels and 4.5 months for math; the gap is even greater for Black and Hispanic students. (Associated Press — July 10, 2023)
  • The license plate of a Nevada vehicle that was recalled by the state Department of Motor Vehicles after receiving a complaint about the plate that aims to “drive away” Californians from the state. A section of the Nevada Administrative Code used in the recall prohibits defamatory references to a person or group and DMV spokesperson Eli Rohl explained that “in this case, the defamed group is Californians.” (Associated Press — July 8, 2023)
  • Chris Christie, former New Jersey governor and Republican presidential candidate, commenting on why he believes former President Trump kept classified documents after leaving the White House. (The Hill – July 7,2023)
  • California state Sen. Toni Atkins, as she filled in for Gov. Gavin Newsom and signed bills on Thursday, July 6, when both the governor and lieutenant governor were out of state. (Twitter — July 6, 2023)
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