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Fox News star Sean Hannity, testifying under oath that he never believed the lie that Trump was cheated of victory in the 2020 election. Colorado-based Dominion Voting Systems was accused by Trump, his campaign lawyers and surrogates, of stealing the election win from him, and Fox News shows, hosts, stars and guests all amplified the false claims. (NPR — Dec. 22, 2022)
U.S. House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rep. Richard Neal, regarding the findings that the IRS failed to audit former President Donald Trump during the first two years of his presidency. The report found that only one audit was started while Trump was in the White House but no audits were completed. (NPR — Dec. 20, 2022)
Danny DePinte, a tree health specialist, regarding the large number of dead fir trees in Oregon’s woodlands. Preliminary numbers indicate that 1.1 million acres of fir trees showed some signs of dying, almost double the previous all-time high for the state. (NPR — Dec. 20, 2022)
The White House and First Lady Jill Biden tweeted on Sunday, Dec. 18, accompanied by a video of the White House’s menorah being lit to honor the first day of Hanukkah. The president and first lady will add the menorah to the permanent White House collection, which will be the first time a Jewish artifact is added to the White House archives. (NPR — Dec. 19, 2022)