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Diane Derzis, who owns the women’s health clinic Bristol Women’s Health in Bristol, Va., which had to move a mile from its original location in Bristol, Tenn., to continue providing abortion care after Tennessee banned the procedure. In many states across the nation, including Virginia, many are hoping voters head to the polls for elections over the next several years to change state policy and lawmakers to preserve abortion rights and access. (Reuters — Sept. 12, 2022)
Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, regarding Gov. Greg Abbott’s busing of migrants to Chicago. Pritzker explained that “Illinois is a welcoming state” but that the people who come to this country should be able to decide where they want to go, under the management of the federal government. (Heartland Signal — Sept. 8, 2022)
Michigan Court of Claims Judge Elizabeth Gleicher, ruling that the state’s constitution protects reproductive rights, thereby banning enforcement of the 1931 law that blocked abortion access. While there are still a number of lawsuits pending across the state regarding reproductive rights, many are relieved that their access to abortion is protected for the time being. (NPR — Sept. 7, 2022)
Milpitas, Calif., Unified School District Superintendent Cheryl Jordan, regarding the district’s request that parents who have a room to spare inside their homes rent it out to teachers. The school district is having trouble keeping educators because they cannot find affordable places to live nearby. The median home price in Milpitas is $1.3 million. (NBC Bay Area, NPR — Aug. 29, 2022)