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AI-trained cameras are putting eyes — hundreds of them — on land across the state. They're spotting fires before the 911 calls come in.
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Frank White was a Hall of Fame second baseman for the Royals. As county executive, he persuaded voters that sales taxes for a new stadium were a bad idea.
As Mississippi's schools chief, Carey Wright lifted test scores faster than any other state in the nation. Now she needs to show results in Maryland.
Sheriffs argue that being elected makes them directly accountable to voters, but the reality is that few face real competition.
Making change in government is hard, but it can happen. As a top education official, Carey Wright pulled off what became known as the “Mississippi Miracle,” dramatically lifting up the Magnolia State’s traditionally bottom-dwelling test scores. In fact, on her watch, Mississippi’s math and literacy scores improved faster than anywhere else in the country.
Vaccine hesitancy has spread from COVID-19 to traditional childhood immunizations. Parents who don't want their children vaccinated have increasing political support.