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Colorado Clerk Continues Issuing Gay Marriage Licenses Despite AG's Orders

The county clerk staring down Colorado's attorney general in a dispute over same-sex marriage licenses draws from a lifetime of experiences as she carries out what she calls a duty to fulfill a fundamental right.

The county clerk staring down Colorado's attorney general in a dispute over same-sex marriage licenses draws from a lifetime of experiences as she carries out what she calls a duty to fulfill a fundamental right.

"This was not a hard decision," Boulder County Clerk and Recorder Hillary Hall said Tuesday. "It's not about politics. This is about people who love each other."

During a weeklong standoff with Attorney General John Suthers, Hall looks to her time studying culinary arts in Oregon for patience, and she finds passion in her memories of advocating for voter awareness in San Francisco. But at the end of each day, she looks to Boulder to carry her into the next.

Boulder County Clerk and Recorder Hillary Hall on Tuesday said she will continue to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples despite the threat of legal

On Tuesday, Hall ignored a noon deadline from Suthers' office to quit issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, and she rejected a proposed compromise that would have prevented the attorney general's office from taking legal action. Her decision is the latest in a series of moves that have both defied Suthers' argument that the licenses she is issuing are invalid and challenged him to take the issue to court.

Caroline Cournoyer is GOVERNING's senior web editor.