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Nebraska Becomes 20th State with Online Voter Registration

The governor signed a bill into law Monday to enable online voter registration by the middle of 2015.

The governor signed a bill into law Monday to enable online voter registration by the middle of 2015.


The new law, which also allows voters to update their registrations, is the latest in an ongoing effort by Secretary of State John Gale to make voter registration more convenient and efficient. Gale stood alongside Gov. Dave Heineman on Monday when he put his signature on the bill.


“This is a huge, big step forward in terms of what we do with voter registration,” Heineman said.


Legislative Bill 661 was introduced by Omaha Sen. Bob Krist on the secretary of state's behalf.


A website managed by Gale's office will allow Nebraskans with a valid driver's license or identification card to register to vote or change their registrations. 


The online system would link voter registrations to signatures provided to the Department of Motor Vehicles for driver's licenses or state ID cards. The state already allows voters to register at the DMV when applying for driver's licenses, but the new law also will allow the DMV to send registrations electronically to county election officials rather than through the mail.


Nebraska becomes the 20th state to pass or implement full online voter registration, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Six other states offer limited online registration. 

Caroline Cournoyer is GOVERNING's senior web editor.
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