"We need an extension of the emergency orders because that allows me to put in place executive orders, which we need to keep you safe," Lamont said during a news conference at a Manchester business. "I welcome legislative input on each of those executive orders."
Although the General Assembly is not in session and it not set to reconvene until February, Lamont said he wants the "Gang of Six" to weigh in on executive decisions regarding issues that could arise in the meantime, such as vaccinations for younger children or booster shots for the general public.
The "Gang of Six" consists of Senate President Pro Tem Sen. Martin Looney, D- New Haven; Senate Majority Leader Robert Duff, D- Norwalk; Senate Minority Leader Kevin Kelly, R- Stratford; Speaker of the House Matthew Ritter, D- Hartford; House Majority Leader Jason Rojas, D- East Hartford; and House Minority Leader Vincent Candelora, R- North Branford.
"No (executive order) goes into effect until they have a chance to weigh in," Lamont said.
Lamont said he would like to extend executive orders requiring vaccinations for state employees and masks for schoolchildren. He said the latter mandate has helped schools remain open.
"Our kids got to school a year ago, and I'm going to make sure they can stay in school this year," he said.
As for digital verifications of vaccination status, often called "vaccine passports," Lamont said he also would also consider an executive order authorizing the technology.
"You go to a restaurant in New York, you go to a restaurant in Massachusetts, they all have different ways they want to authenticate to show if you've been vaccinated or not," he said. "Let's do this so one system is a platform that works for everybody."
State Chief Operating Officer Josh Geballe objected to calling the verification a passport, adding, "What we're talking about is giving an individual an easier tool to show that they've been vaccinated."
He said use of the technology would be optional.
"If you don't want to participate in this, you don't have to, but a lot of people might want the additional convenience" of digital verification, Geballe said.
Addressing a shortage of school bus drivers in the state, Lamont said his administration is considering various options including bringing in the National Guard to drive buses, as Massachusetts has done, and offering bonuses for retired bus drivers to return to work.
(c)2021 Journal Inquirer, Manchester, Conn. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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