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The number of deaths in Lake Mead National Recreation Area between 2015 and 2023, making it the deadliest national park. A third of the deaths in Lake Mead were due to drowning, while the primary cause of death was falling in both the Grand Canyon and Yosemite, the next deadliest parks.

According to data collected from personal injury firm Malloy Law Offices, the national park in Central California ranks as the third deadliest national park in the country with 125 fatal incidents from 2014 to 2023.

Of those fatal incidents, 42 were related to falling.

“Yosemite’s rocky landscapes can deceive even the most experienced hikers,” attorney Seann Malloy said. “Staying cautious and properly equipped is essential, particularly near ledges and waterfalls.”

(San Luis Obispo Tribune – Jan. 16, 2025)