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Digital Seattle: A Holistic Approach to Urban Governance

Drawing from his experience in San Jose, Seattle Chief Technology Officer Rob Lloyd seeks to address pressing issues like homelessness and public safety in a post-pandemic landscape in the Emerald City.

TFIC Seattle Lloyd.png
The podcast cover image for this The Future in Context (TFIC) episode shows an AI-generated, political cartoon depicting a future-oriented city of Seattle. (DALL-E)
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At a time when cities are grappling with multifaceted challenges, Rob Lloyd has taken on the complex challenges of transforming Seattle’s tech landscape. Recently appointed to the pivotal role of chief technology officer, Lloyd brings a holistic approach to public service, blending insights from his tenure in San Jose with innovative strategies for tackling pressing urban issues like homelessness and public safety. As he takes the reins in a city known for its technological prowess, Lloyd brings a commitment to collaboration, mentorship, and data-driven decision-making.

Lloyd is one of Governing’s* 2024 Public Officials of the Year, a special recognition of people who make government work. Government Technology* Senior Staff Writer Thad Rueter joins the podcast to discuss his profile of Seattle’s CTO.

Show Notes:

Here are the top five takeaways from this episode:
  1. Holistic Approach to Public Issues: Lloyd emphasizes the need for a comprehensive strategy in addressing urban challenges. His experience in San Jose shaped his view that collaboration across various sectors — public health, law enforcement and public works — is essential for effective problem-solving, especially in complex issues like homelessness.
  2. Leadership and Humility: Lloyd works across conventional boundaries and disciplines without asserting himself as the sole authority. This balance fosters an environment where others feel valued and encouraged to contribute their insights and expertise.
  3. Mentoring and Talent Retention: Lloyd’s approach to leadership focuses on understanding and nurturing talent within the public sector. He recognizes that younger employees are motivated by more than just financial incentives; they seek meaningful work and opportunities for growth, which he aims to provide.
  4. Navigating Post-Pandemic Challenges: Lloyd’s views on the role of technology in a post-pandemic world reflect his belief in data-driven decision-making. He sees technology as a crucial tool for managing various urban challenges and plans to leverage it to improve city operations and services.
  5. Future Challenges and Opportunities: As Seattle faces multiple issues such as cybersecurity, climate change and disaster preparedness, Lloyd is taking a proactive role in addressing these concerns. His past experiences in San Jose are anticipated to inform his strategies as he leads Seattle into a new phase of urban governance, aiming to attract innovative talent and ideas.
Related Links to stories referenced in the episode:
Our editors used ChatGPT 4.0 to summarize the episode in bullet form to help create the show notes. The main image for this story was created using DALL-E 3. 
*Government Technology is a sister publication to Governing. Both are divisions of e.Republic.
Previous Episodes
Paul W. Taylor is the Senior Editor for e.Republic Editorial and of its flagship titles - Governing and Government Technology. He can be reached at or on Twitter at @pwtaylor.
Ashley Silver is the co-host of The Future in Context podcast and a staff writer with Governing’s sister publication, Government Technology.
Thad Rueter writes about the business of government technology for <i>Government Technology</i>, a sister site to <i>Governing</i>.
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