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Texas Political Leaders Squabble Over Tax Policy on Twitter

The governor, lieutenant governor and other lawmakers engaged in policymaking debates over Twitter, publicly exposing fractures in the state’s GOP. No deals were made before the session ended.

If social media is where history is written real time, the Twitter feeds of Texas’ top Republicans offer striking insights into how tax policy has exposed fractures at the top of the Texas GOP.

Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and House Speaker Dade Phelan are in a stand-off over property tax relief. All three agree property taxes should be cut. But Abbott wants Texas to use a budget surplus to buy down school district taxes. Patrick, however, wants some of that money dedicated to a permanent property tax discount for homeowners.

Before the deadlock between Senate and the governor erupted in the past week into a public squabble playing out on social media, the political jousting over cutting property taxes simmered between Patrick and Phelan with meme-worthy posts about “California Dade” and more.

The stalemate appeared to be nearing an end a week before the final legislative deadline May 29. Patrick, Phelan and Gov. Greg Abbott had seemed to find a Kumbaya moment at the Capitol on May 22.

“Stay tuned …” the speaker of the House said.

Then last week, Phelan’s House impeached Attorney General Ken Paxton, several Senate bills died in the House and, as lawmakers in Austin raced to the finish line, the much ballyhooed $17 billion property tax cut suddenly was in jeopardy.

With the clock ticking, a spokeswoman for Phelan posted a photo of smiling House members eagerly awaiting the Senate to sign on to their favored proposal — one that included lowering appraisal caps.

On Monday, Patrick began what would be a string of critical social media posts blaming Phelan for a standoff. He called rumors that he walked away from negotiations “an absolute lie.”

Abbott chimed in for the first time May 29 cryptically signaling his endorsement of a property tax policy proposed by an influential Austin conservative think tank, the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Within an hour, Patrick said that the property tax cut idea, which would eliminate Patrick’s coveted increase to the homestead exemption, was a no-go in the Senate. “This is not acceptable to the Senate,” he said.

Over the next hours, Patrick and other lawmakers engaged in policy making via Twitter, with Patrick at one point demanding Phelan send over the House leaders on tax policy, who obliged him. However, no deal emerged and both chambers adjourned for the session, killing their competing proposals.

Within two hours, Abbott called a special session with a focus on decreasing property taxes. Abbott’s demand was that legislators “solely” focus on his plan to buy down school taxes with the surplus.

On Tuesday, the Senate passed its plan again. The House abandoned its appraisal cap proposal, unanimously passed Abbott’s plan and left town. Abbott released a statement that said the Senate’s plan, including the $100,000 homestead exemptions, was not proper under his session orders.

“The Texas House is the only chamber that passed a property tax cut bill that is germane to the special session that I called to provide Texas with property tax relief,” he said.

Patrick responded that Abbott appeared to not understand how the Texas Legislature works.

“He seems misinformed about the roles of the executive and legislative branches of government,” Patrick posted. “While the Governor has the sole authority to call the Legislature into Session, the Legislature writes the bills – the courts have been crystal clear on this.”

Late May 30, Abbott said he would not flinch.

“No matter how many special sessions it takes I’ll sign a law that provides the largest property tax cut in the history of Texas,” he posted.

As the back and forth continued, Phelan has remained largely silent, only tweeting Tuesday that his chamber had got the job done.

Then last Wednesday, Patrick stuck to his guns, accused the House of “abandoning the Capitol,” and continued to sell his plan as the best deal for homeowners.

Abbott responded later that day by noting his plan had the endorsement of several business groups, which would see greater financial benefit with his approach. He reinforced that Thursday, placing the onus on Patrick’s Senate. “Once the Senate passes it, I’ll sign it as the largest property tax cut in Texas history,” he said.

Patrick responded that Abbott’s plan was, “Not Happening!” and that it “is not realistic and everyone knows it.”

Patrick continued to defend his plan on Twitter on Friday. Meanwhile, Abbott promoted his appearance at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, the think tank behind the plan he wants Patrick to pass.

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