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"By spending a lot of time trying to learn how to be a whale, you actually learn to be a far better person"

Shari Stuart, a North Carolina resident who wore a mask as protection against COVID-19. After the state House passed a bill restricting mask-wearing in public, a move several other states have made, a man confronted her and insisted what she was doing is illegal. Stuart has breast cancer and a weakened immune system. (Washington Post – June 24, 2024)

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  • Jackie Kowalik, a San Diego yoga instructor, saying outdoor spaces that the city has designated for yoga classes are anything but serene, including some next to a freeway or under the airport flight path. The city has banned yoga classes from some other popular locales due to concerns about crowding and safety.
  • John Mayer, a research scientist at Savannah River National Laboratory. Thirty-five states report that wild hogs have shown up within their borders since their introduction into the country by the Spanish centuries ago. (South Florida Sun-Sentinel)
  • Doug Heller, director of insurance with the Consumer Federation of America, a research and advocacy nonprofit. He was referring to the decisions by insurance companies to pull out of some states due to increased risk from natural disasters, pointing to increased risks due to climate change. (Stateline — June 5, 2024)
  • Susan Kent, a former Minnesota state senator. She is part of a group called Majority in the Middle that is calling for greater partisanship in the Legislature, arguing among other things that more work should be done in committees and there should be fewer omnibus bills. At the end of this year’s session, majority Democrats combined all remaining bills into one and pushed it through both chambers without debate. (MinnPost – June 21, 2024)
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