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“They came to these facilities needing help. Instead, they had trauma inflicted upon them.”

Jerome Block, a New York attorney, regarding four new lawsuits against juvenile detention centers and similar facilities in Pennsylvania alleging physical and sexual abuse of 66 people, now adults, while under the facilities’ care. The lawsuits claim the people were victimized by guards, nurses, supervisors and others. (Associated Press — May 22, 2024)

More Quotes
  • Vermont Gov. Phil Scott, explaining his veto of a bill that would severely restrict the use of neonicotinoids, a type of pesticide that’s toxic to bees and other pollinators. Scott, a Republican, is expected to veto a number of bills, saying there’s a lack of balance in the Democrat-controlled Legislature that causes opposing perspectives and data to not be considered. Lawmakers may attempt to override the governor’s neonicotinoids veto during a special session next month. (Associated Press — May 21, 2024)
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison botanist Shelby Ellison, regarding the dozens of cannabis plants that were removed from the state Capitol grounds last week, after someone planted them intentionally in a tulip garden outside the Capitol. It was unclear if the plants were marijuana or hemp. Marijuana remains illegal in all forms in Wisconsin. (Associated Press — May 17, 2024)
  • Missouri Sen. Rick Brattin, who leads the Freedom Caucus in the state Senate, regarding proposed legislation to make it harder to amend the state’s constitution, an effort partly aimed at thwarting an upcoming ballot measure on abortion rights. The GOP-led Senate adjourned Friday morning without passing the top-priority legislation. (Associated Press — May 17, 2024)
  • Wisconsin Elections Commission attorney Brandon Hunzicker, regarding a ballot that will have both a special and regular election for a vacant congressional seat. Due to the timing of former U.S. Rep. Mike Gallagher’s surprise resignation, on April 24, requiring Gov. Tony Evers to call for a special election on the same dates as the Aug. 13 primary and Nov. 5 general election. (Associated Press — May 16, 2024)
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