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“When there’s no minimum age, can a 9-year-old come into your store and buy a non-alcoholic Corona?”

Darryl Collins, owner of a zero-proof bottle shop called Hopscotch in Baltimore, Md., regarding his decision not to sell to anyone under the age of 18. In Maryland, as in a majority of states, there are no state age restrictions on buying adult non-alcoholic beverages. (NPR — July 9, 2024)

More Quotes
  • Drew Belt, a resident of Tupelo, Miss., regarding his recent stop in Death Valley, Calif., to experience extreme temperatures amid a heatwave over the Fourth of July weekend. A high temperature of 128 F was recorded Saturday and Sunday at Death Valley National Park. (Associated Press — July 9, 2024)
  • Motto of a solar-powered city-owned liquor store in Morris, Minn., a conservative prairie community of 5,206 residents that has gone all in on wind and solar power, composting, electric school buses and geothermal heating. Its residents cite rural self-sufficiency, high energy and fuel costs, saving tax dollars and eliminating inefficiency and waste. The town had gone far beyond energy independence to make many times the energy it needs for itself, selling the bulk of the renewable power for a profit. Thirteen other towns in Minnesota are at various stages of adapting projects modeled on Morris' efforts. (Wall Street Journal — July 3, 2024)
  • A tweet from Indiana Secretary of State Diego Morales. His office sent letters warning more than 120 federal agencies operating in Indiana not to provide voter registration services without the state’s approval. In May, Morales joined eight other Republican secretaries of state in asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a case challenging the order. (News from the States — July 3, 2024)
  • Miami resident Alfredo Rodriguez, whose apartment has flooded five times since he moved in a year ago. Some are calling record rainfall in Florida a "1,000-year event," meaning that the likelihood of rainfall at levels now being seen is one in 1,000. (Miami Herald — June 15, 2024)
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