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Agriculture/Land Use

The city’s planning office won’t approve conversion of single-family properties into multiple units in six neighborhoods. The desire to protect Latino neighborhoods from gentrification runs counter to the city’s housing goals.
Municipalities across the state have challenged the legality of the state’s processing of permitting requests for large-scale solar and wind energy facilities. The controversial law passed last year and diminishes local control.
The Mississippi River Delta region is ripe for on-farm solar production, but must overcome hurdles.
The San Joaquin Valley, Calif., school district plans to buy about 20 Flex Farms, a self-contained system that circulates nutrient-rich water to as many as 288 plants, so that students can learn a new way to grow food.
The virus that could mutate into the next human pandemic has been found in herds in at least 14 states. Without sufficient testing, we need to be careful about moving cows from one location to another.
The idea that the lakes’ bounty will quench the thirst of the western United States is an obstacle delaying the West’s inevitable reckoning with the unsustainable status quo.
Five families are in a legal battle with the EPA and the fertilizer manufacturer Synagro Technologies for allegedly contaminating their cattle and land. Synagro fertilizer is banned from some states for containing forever chemicals.
The state’s largest current fire has encompassed nearly all 41,000 acres of the Ishi Wilderness, which hadn’t seen significant fire since 1990. No one from Cal Fire has been able to set foot in the wilderness area since the Park Fire began.
Palo Alto County, Iowa, has 83 new cases of cancer on average each year. For the community of 8,996, the impact is outsized, especially as national concerns grow about the connection between farm pollutants and cancer.
Nationally, 83 percent of new solar projects developed by 2040 will be installed on farms and ranchland. But some believe that the two industries can exist side by side.
The state’s “exceptional” drought has caused historically low water levels this year, risking pasture loss, severe crop damage and depleting water resources.
Advocates say that artificial intelligence has the potential to streamline agriculture tasks and help make farming greener. But there are still concerns about wasting time sorting through data and protection of privacy.
No rainmaker, aqueduct or prayer can save the Ogallala Aquifer from depletion. The battle over its decline pits good policy against powerful agricultural and political interests.
In the Cuyama Valley, north of Santa Barbara, water continues to be heavily pumped to irrigate thousands of acres of farmland. A plan to prevent over-pumping has sparked a legal battle.
Florida and Alabama have made it a crime to produce or sell meat grown in a lab, and a U.S. senator has joined what he calls the “pro-bio slop caucus.” Instead, they should be celebrating good old American innovation.