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At stake in a case from Oklahoma is whether the court will expand the boundaries of government aid to faith-based institutions. It would be a sea change in education law.
Republican Gov. Mike DeWine has proposed a new refundable child tax credit and increases in child care and children’s health funding, along with full funding for public schools.
Red states are in sync with the Trump administration’s efforts, but some Democratic governors are reminding districts to protect immigrants’ legal rights.
Voters approved $10 billion in school construction bonds last November. Facing big maintenance backlogs, districts around the state are worried the money could be quickly depleted by the need to rebuild Los Angeles schools after the fires.
PowerSchool, which has 16,000 customers, is used by more than 50 million students. Hackers gained access to information about them and their parents, receiving ransom to prevent leaks of the stolen data.
They face more challenges than urban schools. But there are strategies they can use to prepare and cope.
A 1998 ban on dual-language courses was repealed in 2016, but they still have not fully bounced back or hired enough teachers. Texas enrolls 40 percent of its English learners in such programs compared to 10 percent in California.
The school board is considering a plan to use five of its properties to build 1,000 affordable housing units. It’s a strategy more California districts are pursuing.
Gov. Kim Reynolds praises districts that have already restricted phones but says a statewide ban will be a 2025 priority. Such policies around the country have run into problems with courts.
School districts bear significant financial costs: Security, communications, legal work and heightened staff turnover related to conflict all come with price tags. The money could be better spent elsewhere.
Voters in three states rejected ballot measures promoting school choice. But they didn’t reject the legislators who favor it.
The view of the federal department as a source of malign leftist influence is backwards. Good ideas are out there, and there needs to be a central authority to disseminate best practices and insist on results.
A new state law will require public schools to incorporate Native American mistreatment into the Spanish Colonization and California Gold Rush curricula. The state Department of Education will consult with local tribes to make the updates.
Properly trained and integrated into the school leadership team, they can be helpful in some ways, but they cannot fix societal problems and their presence can make students feel less safe.
A 2018 lawsuit claims the level of segregation in state schools violates students’ rights to integrated schools. But a new poll found that most voters don’t know anything about the lawsuit nor do they think the state is segregated.