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It’s often legal for officers to deceive suspects — but critics say this can lead to false confessions. Experts have mixed opinions about whether restricting the practice would affect case closure rates.
The city’s police department has put a focus on officer mental health and well-being. That’s a big cultural change because officers often feel they need to hide their struggles.
The No. 1 job of urban leaders is to deliver core services. Some of them have forgotten that.
The city is launching “neighborhood wellness courts,” a diversion program designed to issue citations and offer addiction treatment and other services in lieu of misdemeanor sentences.
Lone wolf attackers can be harder to detect than those who work in a group. But strategies involving police, the public and mental health professionals can help.
Catastrophes like the L.A. wildfires are going to happen again. There’s no easy way to make sure victims can be made whole.
Lots of prosecutors, judicial staff and jurors lost their homes. Many others left court because they felt ill from dangerous air.
California will ultimately get lots of help from Washington but some GOP lawmakers want to tie wildfire assistance to policy strings. Hawaii had to wait more than a year for aid to be approved after the Maui fires.
Between brazen minor offenses like organized shoplifting and a few heavily publicized acts of random violence, it’s little wonder that people are on edge.
Karen Bass has come in for criticism over her handling of the fire department’s budget and other issues. Her chances for reelection may depend on the city’s long rebuilding process.
The state’s troubled home insurance market is certain to command legislative attention this year. The fires in Los Angeles may end up being one of the nation’s most expensive disasters.
Five years after the murder of George Floyd and just ahead of the Trump administration, Minneapolis agreed to enter into a consent decree with the Department of Justice. DOJ cited five others as models for success.
Hot, strong desert air is contributing to the devastating fires in the Los Angeles area. The current winds are much less predictable than previous patterns.
Arrests connected to the home-built weapons are growing rapidly in the U.S. and around the world. It’s likely to prove harder for governments and police to keep them out of the hands of criminals and extremists.
Black drivers, in particular, are stopped at disproportionate rates, a study of 5 million traffic stops found. Police officers say the analysis was flawed.
Both suspects appear to have military backgrounds and both used the same app to rent vehicles.