Between 2017 and 2022, the number of Black-owned businesses rose 56.9 percent, accounting for more than half of the overall growth in companies.
Vincent Fort served in the Georgia Senate for nearly three decades as a forceful, effective voice for “the least of these.” As he copes with cancer, it's important to acknowledge a vanishing breed of leader.
Beset by funding issues and questionable program duplication from predominantly white institutions, too many historically black colleges and universities are struggling. We must ensure that these valuable institutions thrive.
A 2018 lawsuit claims the level of segregation in state schools violates students’ rights to integrated schools. But a new poll found that most voters don’t know anything about the lawsuit nor do they think the state is segregated.
A study has found that Black drivers in Chicago receive approximately 54 percent of automated camera citations, but they make up 70 percent of police stops.
We continue to underfund them, their student bodies are becoming more diverse, and their values are under political assault. We need to preserve the cultural significance of these important institutions.
Many insurance companies in metro Atlanta are denying essential coverage to businesses in “high crime” areas, which are also predominantly areas of low-income residents of color.
As president, Trump signed a sweeping criminal justice reform measure. During the campaign this year, he's returned to his roots as a tough-on-crime politician.
One key issue for working-class and low-income Black voters in Detroit is the cost of water. As of 2023, 27 percent of Detroit households are at risk of having their water shut off due to unpaid water bills, with $700 being the average amount owed.
The Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau’s Tourism Business Enhancement Program lasts 15 to 16 weeks and includes workshops on marketing, legal and financial help.
Fines and fees are common throughout the criminal justice system, but they can strain the finances of families already experiencing instability and widen income and racial disparities.
As officers’ salaries increased, so did police killings of Black Americans. Job protections from collective bargaining can make some officers less worried about consequences. We need to rethink union contracts.
The median Detroit household spends 1 out of every 7 dollars earned on car insurance. In 2019, Michigan passed a law to improve the situation—but the state’s Black neighborhoods still paid the highest prices.
The record-breaking 2023-24 investment in small diverse businesses and veteran businesses increased by $129 million from the year prior.
Latinos make up only about 16 percent of the city’s population, but their total number has risen from 129,000 in 2000 to 244,000 last year. Overall, the city has experienced slight population decline since 2020.
Monica Márquez is the first Latina and openly gay chief justice in the state. She inherits a system rocked by various scandals, high turnover among judges and continuing growing pains from the switch to virtual court.
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